The Studio at thinkEAST is a 182-unit affordable housing community that is part of the 24-acre thinkEAST development project in East Austin. It offers affordable living and working arrangements for families earning 60% of Austin’s median family income. On top of that, it’s caters solely to creatives – including technology, design, music, film and lots more. Needless to say, we were excited about this project.
The Studio at thinkEAST needed a professional-modern feel for their logo design and branding to match the architectural style of the property. We studied renderings and interior plans to develop a style that fit naturally into what they already had in place. The building illustration of the logo resembles the slanted roof style to the front of the complex, and the typography and composition play off the creativity-fueled environment it’s destined to become.
If you or someone you know if looking for a housing or apartment community logo design please feel free to contact us about your next project!