Your moving company logo design & branding specialists


At Left Hand Design, we specialize in Moving Company Logo Design. We offer a full range of design and branding services tailored to moving businesses of all sizes. Whether you’re just starting a moving company, rebranding an established business, or looking to take your brand in a new direction, we can help.

Operating in one of the nation’s largest creative hubs, we bring innovative design techniques and deep industry expertise to create logos that resonate with your target audience. Your logo is the face of your moving company, symbolizing your reliability, professionalism, and trustworthiness in a competitive industry.

At LHD, we take the time to understand your business’s unique identity. Whether you’re looking for a bold, dynamic logo or a more approachable, friendly design, we collaborate with you to create a logo that aligns with your company values. From logo design to branding materials, we ensure your moving company stands out and is consistently represented across all marketing platforms.

Let us help you build a logo that speaks to your customers and elevates your moving company’s brand presence. Contact us today to get started!

healthcare logo design

Things to Consider Before Hiring a Moving Company Logo Designer

Ready to get started? Contact Left Hand Design, the leading moving company logo design agency, today to discuss your logo design needs. Share your thoughts or questions in the comments—we’d love to hear from you!

All things print + web

If it can be printed or viewed on a screen, we do it. And do it well. Here's a handful of services we offer:


Click a logo for a project overview

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  • restoration health healthcare logo design by beau morrow for left hand design in austin texas
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  • evolve chiropractic logo design by beau morrow for left hand design in austin texas
  • beaumont sausage logo design by beau morrow for left hand design in austin texas
  • 11th Street Cowboy Bar logo design by beau morrow for left hand design in austin texas
  • Ilario's Italian restaurant logo design by beau morrow for left hand design in austin texas
  • Deer Creek Whitetails hunting logo design by beau morrow for left hand design in austin texas
  • reliance architecture logo design by beau morrow for left hand design in austin texas

Let's get the ball rollin'

Drop us a line below and we'll let you know how we can help.